Hello everyone!
Here is the second instalment in the video tour of The Grove, in its abandoned, decrepit state.
You see its perfectly formed arse in this one. And a bit more of its inner workings.
It’s really hot. You won’t be able to feel it, as unfortunately your screen wont blast 40 degree air in your face. But it was everywhere, the heat. Unrelenting. Bar is Europe’s sunniest city - it has the most sunlight hours per year. Solar power will help fuel our aircon, so we can cool ourselves guilt free.
The most magical time of the day is the evening. When Sam, Chris and I were in Montenegro to have a look at the place, we went to the fort for sunset. There was a play going on in the small amphitheatre. Looking out over Stari Bar, towards the Adriatic, the cool air flowed in bringing sweet relief to the oppressive heat. That is when the photo in the header was taken. Peace n Beauty, m8.
When Sophie and I were there, we arrived at 9pm. It was already pitch black. We headed to the Grove anyway. We climbed the fence into the garden (we hadn’t yet picked up the keys). We were not aware of the various equines as yet. Until we went inside and saw a shadow move. Hearts pumping we recognised the horse. Which was fine. But then more and more shadows kept appearing, walking slowly towards us. It was terrifying. The donkeys had not been there on previous visits. They moved slowly, cautiously, but definitely in our direction. When you don’t know what you are looking at, you jump to conclusions - DEFINITELY A FRIGGING GHOST ZOMBIE WEREWOLF OR SOMETHING. The adrenaline is still flowing through our veins from that moment.
After we got over that, we sat in silence on the lawn. The stars were so bright. The illuminated fort atop the hill. The gentle trickle of the river water.
We just can’t wait to be with you all. Occasionally chatting. Sharing a drink or two. Occasionally sitting in that same silence. Looking at those same stars. Occasionally listening to Milli Vanilli. Roasting a marshmallow on the fire. Eating olives. Lots of olives. Discussing what level of nothing you are going to do the following day. It’s enough to make us explode with excite.
For now, you will have to make do with our shitty commentary for 6 minutes at a time, as we wander around the building poking and prodding things.